A.G.I. – Alta Gioielleria Italiana
Gabriele Gioacchini dal 2009 crea ad Agugliano A.G.I. (Alta Gioielleria Italiana) dove con il suo team progetta e realizza pezzi unici e su misura. La realizzazione di gioielli si compone di diverse fasi, sviluppate con tecnologie all’avanguardia che permettono di eseguire l’intero ciclo produttivo.
Gabriele Gioacchini since 2009 creates in Agugliano A.G.I. (High Italian Jewelery) where with his team he designs and manufactures unique and tailor-made pieces. The creation of jewelry consists of several phases, developed with cutting-edge technologies that allow you to perform the entire production cycle.
Gabriele Gioacchini since 2009 creates in Agugliano A.G.I. (High Italian Jewelery) where with his team he designs and manufactures unique and tailor-made pieces. The creation of jewelry consists of several phases, developed with cutting-edge technologies that allow you to perform the entire production cycle.
60020 Agugliano (AN)
Via Vittorio Veneto, 3
www.altagioielleriaitaliana.itFB: @AltaGioielleriaItaliana