Sassi d'Autore
Lui si chiama Stefano Furlani: i suoi diventano “Sassi d’autore”, che poi è esattamente il nome della sua attività. Il laboratorio dove questo artigiano artista trasforma ogni giorno una manciata di pietre colorate in un capolavoro si trova nella splendida “Fanum Fortunae”, una bottega stretta e protetta tra il mare e le antiche mura romane della Città. Il suo vero “tavolo da lavoro” è però la spiaggia. Proprio lungo la riva il viandante della Via Maestra incontra Stefano, mentre va a caccia d'arte, camminando in equilibrio sulla linea sottile dove l'onda bacia la terra. Da qui nascono le sue creazioni apprezzate in tutto il mondo.
His name is Stefano Furlani: his names become "Sassi d’utore", which is exactly the name of his business. The workshop where this artisan artist transforms a handful of colored stones into a masterpiece every day is located in the splendid “Fanum Fortunae”, a narrow and protected workshop between the sea and the ancient Roman walls of the city. His real "work table", however, is the beach. Right along the shore, the walker of the Via Maestra meets Stefano, while he goes hunting for art, walking in balance on the thin line where the wave kisses the earth. This is where his creations, appreciated all over the world, are born.
His name is Stefano Furlani: his names become "Sassi d’utore", which is exactly the name of his business. The workshop where this artisan artist transforms a handful of colored stones into a masterpiece every day is located in the splendid “Fanum Fortunae”, a narrow and protected workshop between the sea and the ancient Roman walls of the city. His real "work table", however, is the beach. Right along the shore, the walker of the Via Maestra meets Stefano, while he goes hunting for art, walking in balance on the thin line where the wave kisses the earth. This is where his creations, appreciated all over the world, are born.