Laboratorio di restauro
Nata a Fano, diplomata all’istituto d’arte Adolfo Apolloni di Fano nel 79. Ha frequentato Restauro di pittura presso “l’Istituto per L’arte e il restauro” di Palazzo Spinelli di Firenze. Ha frequentato il corso regionale di “Restauro Ceramica Antica negli anni 82-83-84. Contemporaneamente fino all’anno 85 ha prestato la propria opera presso la ditta di Restauro di Bacchiocca. Iscritta all’Albo Artigiani come ditta di Restauro dal Gennaio 1986. Collabora con la Ditta di Restauro di Bigini Romeo partecipando ai lavori presi in appalto dalla ditta medesima, in particolare dai sotterranei del Palazzo Ducale di Urbino agli affreschi dei Salimbeni, nella sacrestia di S.Lorenzo, San Severino Marche, ecc. A partire dal 1989 entra a far parte della società C.B.R. Negli anni 90-91-92 tiene corsi di restauro durante il Dicastero Istruzione e Cultura della Repubblica di San Marino. Nel 2009 riapre la ditta individuale, lavorando a diverse opere, sia private che appartenenti ad enti ecclesiastici, comunali e statali.
Born in Fano, graduated from the Adolfo Apolloni art institute in Fano in 79. She attended Painting Restoration at the "Institute for Art and Restoration" of Palazzo Spinelli in Florence. You attended the regional course of “Ancient Ceramic Restoration in the years 82-83-84. At the same time, up to the year 85 you worked at the Bacchiocca Restoration firm. Enrolled in the Register of Artisans as a Restoration company since January 1986. She collaborates with the Restoration Company of Bigini Romeo by participating in the works contracted out by the same company, in particular from the basement of the Ducal Palace of Urbino to the frescoes of the Salimbeni, in the sacristy of S .Lorenzo, San Severino Marche, etc. Since 1989 you have joined the C.B.R. In the years 90-91-92 she held restoration courses during the Education and Culture Department of the Republic of San Marino. In 2009 she reopened the sole proprietorship, working on various works, both private and belonging to ecclesiastical, municipal and state bodies.
Born in Fano, graduated from the Adolfo Apolloni art institute in Fano in 79. She attended Painting Restoration at the "Institute for Art and Restoration" of Palazzo Spinelli in Florence. You attended the regional course of “Ancient Ceramic Restoration in the years 82-83-84. At the same time, up to the year 85 you worked at the Bacchiocca Restoration firm. Enrolled in the Register of Artisans as a Restoration company since January 1986. She collaborates with the Restoration Company of Bigini Romeo by participating in the works contracted out by the same company, in particular from the basement of the Ducal Palace of Urbino to the frescoes of the Salimbeni, in the sacristy of S .Lorenzo, San Severino Marche, etc. Since 1989 you have joined the C.B.R. In the years 90-91-92 she held restoration courses during the Education and Culture Department of the Republic of San Marino. In 2009 she reopened the sole proprietorship, working on various works, both private and belonging to ecclesiastical, municipal and state bodies.
61032 Fano (PU)
Via Tagliamento, 24