Saecularis – restauro mobile antico
SAECULARIS è un laboratorio artigianale specializzato nel restauro del mobile d’epoca in tutti gli aspetti. Inoltre si realizzano mobili in stile su misura di qualsiasi genere. Esperienza, professionalità e cortesia. Il laboratorio Saecularis si rivolge a tutte quelle persone hanno il gusto per il bello e che amano l’oggetto d’epoca, non solo d’antiquariato ma anche il vecchio mobile “della nonna” con tutto il suo valore affettivo.
SAECULARIS is an artisan workshop specializing in the restoration of period furniture in all aspects. In addition, any kind of custom-made style furniture is created. Experience, professionalism and courtesy. The Saecularis laboratory is aimed at all those people who have a taste for beauty and who love period objects, not only antiques but also old "grandmother's" furniture with all its sentimental value.
SAECULARIS is an artisan workshop specializing in the restoration of period furniture in all aspects. In addition, any kind of custom-made style furniture is created. Experience, professionalism and courtesy. The Saecularis laboratory is aimed at all those people who have a taste for beauty and who love period objects, not only antiques but also old "grandmother's" furniture with all its sentimental value.
60131 Ancona (AN)
Via Varano, 298