Artista, pittore,scultore, restauratore, designer, nato a Senigallia, la città in cui vive, nel 1961. All’età di 15 anni inizia a dipingere come autodidatta. Frequenta il Liceo scientifico, dove ha come docente di Storia dell’Arte il maestro Romolo Augusto Schiavoni. Dopo la maturità entra nello studio del professor Schiavoni, di cui diventa aiuto e allievo. Lo affiancherà nell’ esecuzione delle sue opere fino alla sua morte. Entra nella bottega del ceramista Amaranto Franco, con il quale collabora per circa 9 anni, specializzandosi in particolare nella foggiatura del vaso e nel modellato. Frequenta il corso di foggiatura presso l’Istituto d’arte “Mengaroni” di Pesaro, col maestro Renato Giavoli. Si diploma presso l’Accademia di belle arti di Firenze in scultura con il maestro Vincenzo Bianchi. Si abilita all’insegnamento dell’educazione artistica per la scuola secondaria di primo grado. Docente di modellato presso il corso di ceramica del comune di Senigallia. Gradualmente, specie dopo aver frequentato le botteghe fiorentine, si specializza sempre più nel restauro di opere d’arte (dipinti su tela e tavola, dorature lignee, ceramiche, vetri, marmi, pietre preziose, mobili laccati e dipinti). Andrea Ippoliti dedica molta attenzione allo studio ed utilizzo delle antiche tecniche pittoriche, mettendo concretamente in atto quanto raccomandato nel “libro dell’Arte” di Cennino Cennini, scritto nel 1300. Di Cennino Cennini si ritiene umile allievo e discepolo, attuando scrupolosamente quanto scritto nel suo manuale. Qui sotto una sequenza di materiali normalmente utilizzati nel lavoro di pittura e restauro: bolo armeno, brunitoi in pietra d’agata, caseina, cera carnauba, cera d’api, colla di bue, colla di coniglio, colla di pesce, gommalacca decerata, pigmenti naturali, la foglia oro.
Artist, painter, sculptor, restorer, designer, born in Senigallia, the city where he lives, in 1961. At the age of 15 he began painting as a self-taught. He attends the scientific high school, where he has master Romolo Augusto Schiavoni as a teacher of History of Art. After high school he enters the study of Professor Schiavoni, of which he becomes an assistant and pupil. He will support him in the execution of his works until his death. He enters the workshop of the ceramist Amaranto Franco, with whom he collaborates for about 9 years, specializing in particular in the shaping of the vase and in the modeling. He attended the shaping course at the "Mengaroni" art institute in Pesaro, with master Renato Giavoli. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in sculpture with the master Vincenzo Bianchi. He is qualified to teach art education for lower secondary school. Modeling teacher at the ceramics course in the municipality of Senigallia. Gradually, especially after attending the Florentine workshops, he increasingly specializes in the restoration of works of art (paintings on canvas and wood, wooden gilding, ceramics, glass, marble, precious stones, lacquered furniture and paintings). Andrea Ippoliti dedicates a lot of attention to the study and use of ancient painting techniques, concretely implementing what is recommended in the "book of the art" by Cennino Cennini, written in 1300. Di Cennino Cennini considers himself a humble pupil and disciple, scrupulously implementing what is written in the its manual. Below is a sequence of materials normally used in painting and restoration work: Armenian bolus, agate stone burnishers, casein, carnauba wax, beeswax, ox glue, rabbit glue, isinglass, waxed shellac, natural pigments, gold leaf.
Artist, painter, sculptor, restorer, designer, born in Senigallia, the city where he lives, in 1961. At the age of 15 he began painting as a self-taught. He attends the scientific high school, where he has master Romolo Augusto Schiavoni as a teacher of History of Art. After high school he enters the study of Professor Schiavoni, of which he becomes an assistant and pupil. He will support him in the execution of his works until his death. He enters the workshop of the ceramist Amaranto Franco, with whom he collaborates for about 9 years, specializing in particular in the shaping of the vase and in the modeling. He attended the shaping course at the "Mengaroni" art institute in Pesaro, with master Renato Giavoli. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in sculpture with the master Vincenzo Bianchi. He is qualified to teach art education for lower secondary school. Modeling teacher at the ceramics course in the municipality of Senigallia. Gradually, especially after attending the Florentine workshops, he increasingly specializes in the restoration of works of art (paintings on canvas and wood, wooden gilding, ceramics, glass, marble, precious stones, lacquered furniture and paintings). Andrea Ippoliti dedicates a lot of attention to the study and use of ancient painting techniques, concretely implementing what is recommended in the "book of the art" by Cennino Cennini, written in 1300. Di Cennino Cennini considers himself a humble pupil and disciple, scrupulously implementing what is written in the its manual. Below is a sequence of materials normally used in painting and restoration work: Armenian bolus, agate stone burnishers, casein, carnauba wax, beeswax, ox glue, rabbit glue, isinglass, waxed shellac, natural pigments, gold leaf.