Una piccola bottega artigiana specializzata in restauro di opere d’arte e decorazione d’interni. Si eseguono progetti artistici e decorazioni personalizzate di ogni genere: trompe l’oeil, pannelli scenografici, laccatura e decorazione del mobile, decorazione camerette, quadri su commissione e dorature. Ogni creazione, che sia il restyling di un mobile, una parete dipinta o un quadro, nasce da un preciso progetto, ideato sulle esigenze del cliente. In base al tipo di supporto, le tecniche utilizzate possono andare da quelle più tradizionali, come tempera ad uovo, pittura ad olio e doratura a guazzo, a quelle più moderne, come vernici ecologiche, acrilici e smalti. Oltre a lavorare per conto terzi (negozi di arredamento, architetti e ditte di falegnameria), si rivolge anche al privato, offrendo ai propri clienti la possibilità di acquistare mobili da catalogo grezzi. Ciò significa che il cliente può decidere, per quel mobile, qualsiasi cosa: colore, decoro, effetto (materico, decapato, shabby), finitura e patinatura. In definitiva un pezzo unico e creato a regola d’arte.
A small artisan shop specializing in the restoration of works of art and interior decoration. We carry out artistic projects and personalized decorations of all kinds: trompe l'oeil, scenographic panels, lacquering and furniture decoration, bedroom decoration, commissioned paintings and gilding. Each creation, whether it is the restyling of a piece of furniture, a painted wall or a painting, comes from a specific project, conceived on the customer's needs. Depending on the type of support, the techniques used can range from the more traditional ones, such as egg tempera, oil paint and gouache gilding, to the more modern ones, such as ecological paints, acrylics and enamels. In addition to working on behalf of third parties (furniture shops, architects and carpentry firms), it also caters to the private sector, offering its customers the opportunity to purchase raw catalog furniture. This means that the customer can decide on anything for that piece of furniture: color, decoration, effect (material, pickled, shabby), finish and patination. Ultimately a unique piece created to perfection.
A small artisan shop specializing in the restoration of works of art and interior decoration. We carry out artistic projects and personalized decorations of all kinds: trompe l'oeil, scenographic panels, lacquering and furniture decoration, bedroom decoration, commissioned paintings and gilding. Each creation, whether it is the restyling of a piece of furniture, a painted wall or a painting, comes from a specific project, conceived on the customer's needs. Depending on the type of support, the techniques used can range from the more traditional ones, such as egg tempera, oil paint and gouache gilding, to the more modern ones, such as ecological paints, acrylics and enamels. In addition to working on behalf of third parties (furniture shops, architects and carpentry firms), it also caters to the private sector, offering its customers the opportunity to purchase raw catalog furniture. This means that the customer can decide on anything for that piece of furniture: color, decoration, effect (material, pickled, shabby), finish and patination. Ultimately a unique piece created to perfection.